More Wonderful, More Audiences!--3E Machinery With CHINAPLAS 2017
May 2017, after the rising popularity of "The Belt and Road forum, that is very popular industry event CHINAPLAS 2017, although the beautiful moments of 3E happy ending, but in the memorable machinery exhibition! And this exhibition, 3E Machinery was not only old friends from afar, and more new friends and new partners to visit us had no appointment, that's made us feel honored, praise and attention makes this exhibition to make more people to join!

The Equipment
As in the past, the appearance of 3E Machinery equipment in CHINAPLAS 2017 has attracted much attention.

With customers, peers, partners in the brain collisions, technical exchanges, but also 3E Machinery colleagues with everyone talked about the wonderful scene.
The scene is unforgettable! This is 3E Machinery's strength, sincerity testimony, is the customer, the colleague, the partner's approval and the encouragement!
Hope to experience the new, high, handsome equipment of 3E Machinery? 2018, Shanghai, The Date With You!